Exploring Stamps —YouTube Channel

A couple of weeks ago I was introduced to the YouTube Channel “Exploring Stamps.” I didn’t know what a YouTube Channel was. My YouTube experience has been one-off computer software ‘how tos’ and recent segments about replacing my RAV 4 rearview mirror (Horrors!).

When I think of stamp collecting I see older men (like me) seeking exotic material (I wish) for their collections, or kids being distracted for a short while with pretty stamps (hopefully some will catch the collecting bug), but that distraction most often succumbs to video games, TV, and smart phones.

Laura and Graham Beck. They make Exploring Stamps happen.
Laura and Graham Beck. They make Exploring Stamps happen.

Suddenly, on my monitor, there was this Millenial or GenXer, Graham Beck, with a South African accent. (Confession: I don’t know what those Mill/Gen terms mean.) Anyway, Graham has a box of stamps, and one-at-a-time he takes you stamp exploring—a volcano in Iceland (highly recommended), Canada’s first stamp (and perhaps the world’s fist emoji!), a woman’s head (and what’s that hat she’s wearing?), even the Simpsons, and much more…

Stamp collecting and exploration through a Gen-Millenial-XYer’s eyes—a great ride! Episodes are lively, intelligent, funny, and crisply paced. SO…This is a YouTube Channel—and definitely one to watch! Hopefully the Gen-Mill-YXers will continue to amaze me with their vision of stamp collecting.

Check it out. Let me know what you think.

4 thoughts on “Exploring Stamps —YouTube Channel

  1. Great to see the hobby promoted on social media. It has a world-wide approach, as do many of the posts on this site; but how about more international organisations on the Links page?

  2. Thanks for the feedback Wendy. I agree about promoting the hobby on social media. I’ll work on internationalizing the links page.

  3. I love Graham’s channel! I found it quite early on and have enjoyed every episode since. I agree that his videos are very well done. They go a long way in helping to fill that gaping void of engaging philatelic content online.

  4. I, too, have recently discovered “Exploring Stamps” on YouTube. Have viewed virtually all episodes (72, I believe) in less than a week’s time. They are ALL worth watching: informative, entertaining, creative, and philatelically stimulating! Graham Beck is the “Mister Rogers of Philately”—in the BEST sense of this moniker! The Arizona Video, The Apollo 15 Video, and the Antarctic Territories Video are absolute masterpieces! ‘Beck for President/King of the APS!’ Beck “rocks” to use the modern compliment! Randy Moore, SR., LM USPCS, APS.

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